Install on Debian Stretch 9.4 the fabulous Asterisk 14 + Freepbx 14

….I know…. there are other alternatives compared to FreePbx that are equally effective, but…. I know well FreePbx and I do not want to learn new Asterisk-GUI !

For this reason in this post I’ll write about FreePbx.

The very first step is to install Debian 9.1: below some critical points.

Disk Partition
My choice: Guided – use entire – all file in one partition
In my situation the device is equipped with a small SSD HD, and it is useless to create strange partition-geometries: the machine is used only for the Asterisk-PBX.

Software Selection
My choice: only SSH server & standard system utilities Continue reading

How to install Ms Sql Server vNext on Debian 8 Jessie

better_linux_boxMicrosoft surprised the IT world with the announcement about the new MS SQL Server that is able to run on Linux. In this post I’ll show hot to install Sql Server on Debian 8 Jessie.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install curl apt-transport-https sudo 

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list this backports

deb jessie-backports main

After that you’ll be able to install jessie-backports openssl

apt-get install -t jessie-backports openssl

Continue reading

Debian & HyperV just do not mix ! How to mitigate Debian freeze on HyperV

Cat and Dog angryIn these days I’ve found an issue related a guest Debian 7 in Hyper-V vers. 6.3 on Windows 2012 R2.
On a random Basis the file system will be mounted Read-Only due to a disk error: as a result Debian hangs and I need to force a reboot to get the system working again.
I made several configuration changes… I’m not sure they have solved the random issue but it’s been three months now and the problem is no longer happened.
In the next some notes about how I have (partially ?) solved the problem. Continue reading