How to setup an Android Development Environment for Samsung Galaxy Tab

In the next I will show you how to setup all the software related to the development of android applications for Samsung Galaxy Tab in Windows 7 (32 Bit) environment.

1) Create a folder named android that will contin all the software. It is important that the complete path MUST NOT contain any space to avoid aby problems !
For example: c:\android

2) Download & Install Java SE Development kit JDK 7, with all default option in path C:\android\jre7\
File Name: jdk-7-windows-i586.exe

3) Download & UnZip evolution IDE in c:\android\evolution Eclipse Classic v 3.7
File Name:
Att.: Evolution does not have a setup: it is only a zip with all the file inside

4) Download & Install Android SDK in path C:\android\android-sdk
File Name: installer_r12-windows.exe
Att: Sometimes it happened that when I launched the adroidSDK I got the error “Java SE development Kit (JDK) not found” (the launcher did not recognise the presence of JDK): in this case the solution it is to press the BACK button and then press the NEXT.
After the installation of Android SDK launch the SDK manager, and verify in “Installed Package” all the package installed in setup. I have installed only the follow, and uninstalled all the others.
– Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 6
– SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8 revision 3
– Galaxy Tab Addon by Samsung Electronics, Android  API 8 revision 1

5) Start Eclipse and select Help -> Install New Software -> Add
Name: ADT
Confirm & wait the end of refresh, and at the end install Android DDMS and Android Development Tools

6) In Eclipse select Window -> Preferences -> and select Android. Browse to select where you have installed the android sdk (C:\android\android-sdk).

Now we have to create the AVD (Android Virtual Device) to test/debug the application without the need to install these into a real physical device

From Eclipse Window -> “Android SDK and AVD Manager” -> Virtual Device -> New.

Name: Galaxy Test
Target: Select “Galaxy Tab Addon”

That’s all

Now it is possible to create an “Hello Word” project in Eclipse.
File -> New -> Android Project.